

Through our Sharia - compliant finance facility 'Ijarah,' which is a rental-based mode of Islamic finance, that is tailored for corporations seeking medium to long-term asset financing.

The major benefit of Ijarah is that it provides access to assets without large upfront investments or ownership burdens. It also offers corporations flexibility in asset acquisition, while promoting ethical financial practices in supporting their growth and development.


  • Shariah compliance: Adhere to Islamic principles
  • Asset Accessibility: Provides access to assets without large upfront investment ownership burdens
  • Flexibility: We customize your lease terms to meet your needs
  • Reduced Risk: The lessor retains ownership and associated risks, reducing potential risks for the lessee
  • Potential Ownership: We provide you the opportunity for the lessee to purchase the asset in the future, providing a pathway to ownership


Experience the benefits of ethical and flexible assets financing with our Ijarah

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